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Art: James Cawthorn |
This bibliography was created from several sources solely for personal research reasons and, to be honest, I cannot vouch for its complete accuracy (I personally have never seen a copy of most of these editions), but I did my level best to find corroborating sources. The sources used were cached pages from Multiverse.org, Ian Davey's Sweet Despise site, Richard Bilyeu's The Tanelorn Archives (1981), the Michael Moorcock entry at ISFDB and John Davey's Michael Moorcock: A Reader's Guide (1992). There may be another original source but this bibliography saw its first form years ago and I don't remember exactly all the details. So that's my disclaimer! :)
The listings are structured so that for short stories, the initial publication source is listed, then its first appearance in a Michael Moorcock collection, and finally in its most recent available source (but generally stopping at the Michael Moorcock Collection of 2013-14, which I consider pretty definitive). Citations of novels and book collections are in bold and have a similar construction. (Although not first or last editions, I included citations related to the 1970s DAW editions purely for nostalgic reasons.)
- An Appendix follows the year-by-year listing which lists the contents of the 36 volume 2013-15 Gollancz "Michael Moorcock Collection" series.
- A guide to the U.K. Orion/Millennium "The Eternal Champion" omnibus (1992-93) can be found here.
- A guide to the U.S. White Wolf "Tales of the Eternal Champion" omnibus (1994-2000) can be found here.
- Fanzines
- 'Book Collectors’ News', c.1955-7
- 'Burroughsania' ('Burroughsiana'), 2nd fanzine, later issues include content on Howard, Bradbury, etc
- 'Fantasiana'
- 'Jazz Fan'
- 'Rambler'
- “Sojan”, "Klan" and other fan-fiction heroes begin to appear in Burroughsania
- James Cawthorn begins contributing art to Burroughsania
- Begins writing comic strips for English weekly and monthly magazines, continuing through 1964. Characters during the following years include Dogfight Dixon, RFC, Dick Daring of the Mounties, Buck Jones, Kit Carson, Buffalo Bill, Captain Condor of the Space Patrol (Lion), Jet Ace Logan, Danny Jones and his Time Machine, The Spider, Dick Turpin, Karl the Viking, Olac the Gladiator, “Constantine, the First Christian Emperor", and Alexander ("Life of Alexander the Great”).
- “Sojan the Mercenary”, Burroughsania v1, #2, May 1956
- “Johnny Lonesome Comes to Town”, 'The Searchlight Book for Boys' 1956, in Tales from the Texas Woods 1997
- Other features and stories also sold to various magazines including 'Tarzan Adventures', a weekly juvenile publication with text and comics
- A rough draft of “The Eternal Champion” (eventually publ. 1962) is written as a serial for a fanzine named Avilion, but is not completed.
- The 'multiverse' is first conceptualized, but further development is side-tracked by jobs writing comic scripts for Fleetway Publications (Amalgamated Press): Sexton Blake, Robin Hood, Kit Carson, Dick Turpin, Buck Jones, Dogfight Dixon RFC, etc.
- Fanzines continue, including Jazz Fan, Fantasiana, Typo
- The Hungry Dreamers (ca. 1957), 1st novel (lost)
- 'Tarzan Adventures' (ed. Michael Moorcock)
- Sojan (revised from various issues of Burroughsania)
- "Sojan the Swordsman", collected in Sojan 1977, Sojan the Swordsman 2013
- “Sojan the Swordsman”, TA v7 #22, Aug 31 1957, 3pgs
- “Adventures of Sojan: Mission to Asno”, TA v7 #25, Sep 21 1957, 2pgs
- "Sojan, Swordsman of Zylor!", collected in Sojan 1977, Sojan the Swordsman 2013
- “Revolt in Hatnor”, TA v7 #34, Nov 23 1957, 2pgs
- “The Hordes Attack”, TA v7 #38, Dec 21 1957, 2pgs
- “Checkmate” (“A Warrior’s Justice”), TA v7 #39, Dec 28 1957, 1pg
- Dek of Noothar, in Sojan 1977, Sojan the Swordsman 2013
- “The Sword of Life”, TA v7 #27, Oct 5 1957
- “The Strange Ones” (“The Sword of Life Part II - The Strange Ones”)
- “The Cure”, TA v7 #23, Sep 7 1957
- The Golden Barge: A Fable (1957-58), extract publ. in New Worlds #155, October 1965, in The Golden Barge 1979, 2013
- Stories for The Sexton Blake Library (until 1960)
- Tarzan Adventures (in Sojan 1977, Sojan the Swordsman 2013)
- "Sojan and the Sea of Demons"
- “The Purple Galley”, TA v7 #47, Feb 22 1958, 4pgs
- “The Sea Wolves!”, TA v7 #48, Mar 1 1958, 2 pgs
- “Sojan at Sea”, TA v7 #49, Mar 8 1958, 2pgs
- “The Sea of Demons”, TA v7 #50, Mar 15 1958, 4pgs
- “Prisoners in Stone”, TA v7 #51, Mar 22 1958, 5pgs
- “Klan the Spoiler”, TA v8 #3, Apr 19 1958
- “Sojan and the Plain of Mystery”, TA v8 #9, May 31 1958, 4pgs
- “Sojan and the Sons of the Snake-God”, TA v8 #12, Jun 21 1958, 2pgs
- “The Siege of Noothar” (Dek of Noothar), TA v8 #13, Jun 28 1958
- “Sojan and the Hunters of Norj Pt 1 & 2”, TA v8 #15-16, Jul 12 1958, 4pgs
- “Rens Karto of Bersnol” (w. Richard W. Ellingsworth), TA v8 #23, Sep 8 1958, 2pgs
- 1958-59: MM and Jim Cawthorn begin coming up with notes and visuals for Elric, partially inspired by Anthony Skene’s Monsieur Zenith character (from Sexton Blake)
- “Peace on Earth” (w. Barrington J. Bayley), first adult sf story, NW #89, in The Deep Fix 1966, Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “Going Home” (written 1959, publ. in SF Adventures 25, 1962), in Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “Dick Daring and the Hired Gunman” (comic), Mounted Policemen Comic Library
- “Olac the Gladiator” (comic), Tiger
- 'A Fanzine Called Eustace'
- “The Dark Rider”, Eldritch Dreamquest #1, Nov 1960
- Continues writing for The Sexton Blake Library, Suspense, and other IPC publications (particularly westerns, historical fiction)
- Sketches some Conan pastiche ideas for L. Sprague de Camp's 'Fantastic Universe', but funding for the magazine folds
- Science Fantasy (edited by EJ (Ted) Carnell)
- “The Dreaming City”, S-F #47, Jun 1961, in The Stealer of Souls 1963, Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 2013
- “While the Gods Laugh”, S-F #49, Oct 1961, in The Stealer of Souls 1963, Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 2013
- “Kit Carson's Perilous Ride” (comic), Cowboy Picture Library #337
- “Putting A Tag On It” (essay), AMRA 2.15, May 1961, in Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories 2013
- Articles for Current Topics (leftist political magazine)
- Science Fantasy
- “The Stealer of Souls”, S-F #51, Feb 1962, in The Stealer of Souls 1963, Elric: The Revenge of the Rose 2014
- “The Eternal Champion” (expanded from 1957 fanzine fragment), S-F #53, Jun 1962, expanded in The Eternal Champion 1970, in Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- “Kings in Darkness” (w James Cawthorn), S-F #54, Aug 1962, in The Stealer of Souls 1963, Elric: The Revenge of the Rose 2014
- “The Flame Bringers” (retitled “The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams” in 1993), S-F #55, Oct 1962, in The Stealer of Souls 1963, Elric: The Revenge of the Rose 2014
- “To Rescue Tanelorn...”, S-F #56, Dec 1962, in The Singing Citadel 1970, The Bane of the Black Sword DAW 1977, Elric: The Revenge of the Rose 2014
- SF Adventures
- “Going Home”, SF Adventures #25, Mar 1962, in Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “The Sundered Worlds”, SF Adventures #29, Nov 1962, in The Sundered Worlds 1965, 2013
- Fanzine: Ergo Ego
- “The Last Enchantment” (“Jesting with Chaos”) (submitted to Cele Goldsmith but not published), in Ariel #3, 1978, Elric: The Revenge of the Rose 2014
- Caribbean Crisis, with James Cawthorn (heavily edited), published under the name Desmond Reid, Sexton Blake Library #502, June 1962
- Writes fantastic adventure stories, westerns, historicals, science and architecture articles for var. magazines including ‘Bible Story’, ‘People's Friend’, 'Look and Learn', etc.
- Science Fantasy
- “The Greater Conqueror”, S-F #58, Apr 1963, in The Singing Citadel 1970, Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- “Dead God's Homecoming”, S-F #59, Jun 1963, in Stormbringer 1965, Stormbringer! 2013
- “Black Sword's Brothers”, S-F #61, Oct 1963, in Stormbringer 1965, Stormbringer! 2013
- New Worlds (edited by EJ (Ted) Carnell)
- “Flux” (w. Barrington J. Bayley), NW #132, Jul 1963, in Moorcock’s Book of Martyrs 1976, Sailing to Utopia 1993
- “Not by Mind Alone”, NW #134, Sep 1963, in Moorcock’s Book of Martyrs 1976, Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999 (as “Islands”)
- “The Blood-Red Game”, SF Adventures #32, May 1963, in The Sundered Worlds 1965, 2013
- The Stealer of Souls, collects Elric stories from Science Fantasy 47, 49, 51, 54, 55
- "The Stealer of Souls", "Kings in Darkness", "The Flame Bringers", "The Dreaming City" and "While the Gods Laugh".
- “Six Scenes in Search of an Illustration”, collaboration
- “Aspects of Fantasy Pt 1”, S-F #61, in Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories 2013
- “Aspects of Fantasy Pt 2: The Floodgates Of The Unconscious”, S-F #62, in Elric: The Fortress of the Pearl 2013
- Science Fantasy
- “Sad Giant's Shield”, S-F #63, Feb 1964, in Stormbringer 1965, Stormbringer! 2013
- “Doomed Lord's Passing”, S-F #64, Apr 1964, in Stormbringer 1965, Stormbringer! 2013
- “The Deep Fix”, S-F #64, Apr 1964, in The Deep Fix 1966, The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- Aspects of Fantasy Pt 3, 4, S-F #63/64, in Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 2013/Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- “Master of Chaos”, Fantastic v13 #5, May 1964, in The Singing Citadel 1970, The Weird of the White Wolf DAW 1977 (as "The Dream of Earl Aubec", Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories 2013
- New Worlds
- “The Time Dweller”, NW #139, Feb 1964, in The Time Dweller 1969, Breakfast in the Ruins and Other Stories 2014
- Editor of New Worlds from #142 (May-June 1964)
- “Good-bye Miranda”, NW #143, Jul/Aug 1964, in Moorcock’s Book of Martyrs 1976, Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “The Shores of Death” (Part 1, 2), NW #144/145, Sep-Dec 1964, expanded in The Twilight Man 1966, Moorcock's Multiverse 2014
- Comic strips/stories: “African Safari”, “Castaways of Shark Island”, “Danny Jones Time Traveler”, “Great Cathedrals of the World” (for Bible Story), “Jet Ace Logan”, “Zip Nolan of the Highway Patrol”, etc
- “The Specimens”, Boys World Annual
- New Worlds (ed. Michael Moorcock)
- “The Mountain”, NW #147, Feb 1965, in The Time Dweller 1969, My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories 2014
- “Escape from Evening”, NW #148, Mar 1965, in The Time Dweller 1969, Breakfast in the Ruins and Other Stories 2014
- “Preliminary Data”, NW #153, Aug 1965, in The Final Programme Ch. 16-18 (1968), in The Cornelius Quartet 2014
- “Further Information”, NW #157, Dec 1965, in The Final Programme Ch. 4, 5 (1968), in The Cornelius Quartet 2014
- “The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius”, NW #154, Sep 1965, in The Deep Fix 1966, My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories 2014
- “The Golden Barge”, NW #155, Oct 1965 (extract from 1958 novel, in The Golden Barge 1979, 2013)
- “The Wrecks of Time” (Part 1, 2), NW #156/157, Nov/Dec 1965, in The Wrecks of Time 1967, Travelling to Utopia 2014
- “Phase 1: A Jerry Cornelius Story” (unpublished 1st draft of 1st part of The Final Programme), in To Rescue Tanelorn 2008
- “Time Drop”, Boys World Annual
- The Sundered Worlds (The Blood Red Game) (col. from SF-Adventures 1962/63), in Moorcock's Multiverse 2014
- Warriors of Mars (ret. City of the Beast 1970), in Kane of Old Mars 2014
- Blades of Mars (ret. Lord of the Spiders 1971), in Kane of Old Mars 2014
- Barbarians of Mars (ret. Masters of the Pit 1971), in Kane of Old Mars 2014
- Stormbringer, in Elric: Stormbringer! 2013
- "Black Sword's Brothers", "Dead God’s Homecoming", "Doomed Lord’s Passing", and "Sad Giant’s Shield".
- The Fireclown, in The Winds of Limbo 1969, Moorcock's Multiverse 2014
- New Worlds (ed. Michael Moorcock)
- “The Wrecks of Time” (Part 3), NW #158, Jan 1966, in The Wrecks of Time 1967, Travelling to Utopia 2014
- “Phase Three”, NW #160, Mar 1966, in The Final Programme Ch. 7, 8 (1968), in The Cornelius Quartet 2014
- “The Ruins”, NW #161, Apr 1966, in The Time Dweller 1969, Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “Consuming Passion”, NW #161, Apr 1966, in The Time Dweller 1969, Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “Behold the Man”, NW #166, Sep 1966, in Moorcock’s Book Of Martyrs 1976, The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009, expanded in Behold the Man 1969, 2014
- The Deep Fix (stories from NW and 3 new stories:)
- “The Lovebeast”, in Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “The Real Life Mr Newman” (Adventures of the Dead Astronaut), in My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories 2014
- “Wolf”, in The Time Dweller 1969, My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories 2014
- "The Ice Schooner" (Part 1-3), SF Impulse V1, No. 9-11 (Nov 1966-Jan 1967), in The Ice Schooner 1969, Travelling to Utopia 2014
- “The Girl Who Shot Sultry Kane”, Golden Nugget 1966
- The Twilight Man (rewrite of “The Shores of Death” (NW 1964) with expanded ending), in Moorcock's Multiverse 2014
- The LSD Dossier (Nick Allard series, 1 or 2 chapters Roger Harris, remainder Moorcock)
- Somewhere in the Night (Nick Allard series), rev. as The Chinese Agent 1970, 2013
- Printer's Devil (Nick Allard series), rev. as The Russian Intelligence 1980, 2013
- “Earl Aubec of Malador” (series outline), in Elric in the Dream Realms 2009, Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- The Jewel in the Skull, in Hawkmoon: The History of the Runestaff 2013
- “The Singing Citadel”, The Fantastic Swordsman (ed. De Camp), in The Singing Citadel 1970, Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 2013
- The Wrecks of Time (uncensored as The Rituals of Infinity), coll. from NW 1965-66, in The Roads Between the Worlds 1996, Travelling to Utopia 2014
- The Final Programme (expanded from extracts publ in NW 1965-66), rev. in The Cornelius Chronicles 1977, The Cornelius Quartet 2014
- “The Delhi Division”, NW #185, Dec 1968, in The Nature Of The Catastrophe 1970, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- Sorcerer's Amulet (ret. The Mad God's Amulet 1969, in Hawkmoon: The History of the Runestaff 2013
- Sword of the Dawn, in Hawkmoon: The History of the Runestaff 2013
- “The Tank Trapeze”, NW #186, Jan 1969, in The Nature Of The Catastrophe 1970, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “A Cure for Cancer”, NW #188-91, Mar-Jun 1969, rev. in A Cure for Cancer 1971, The Cornelius Quartet 2013
- “The Dodgem Arrangement”/“The Dodgem Decision”/“The Dodgem Division”, Speculation #23, Jul/Aug 1969, in Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “The Peking Junction”, The New SF (ed. Jones), in The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 1976, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius: The English Assassin" (w. M. John Harrison), comic in International Times 57-71, June 1969-January 1970, in The Nature of the Catastrophe 1971
- Behold the Man, expanded from 1966 NW novella, in Behold the Man 2014
- The Black Corridor (with Hilary Bailey), in Travelling to Utopia 2014
- The Ice Schooner, coll. from SF Impulse 1966-67, in Travelling to Utopia 2014
- The Runestaff (The Secret of the Runestaff), in Hawkmoon: The History of the Runestaff 2013
- The Time Dweller, coll. of shorts 1964-66
- “The Time Dweller”, “Escape from Evening”, “The Deep Fix”, “The Golden Barge” (excerpt), “Wolf”, “Consuming Passion”, “The Ruins”, “The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius”, “The Mountain”
- The Winds of Limbo (var. of The Fireclown 1965), in Moorcock's Multiverse 2014
- The Distant Suns (w James Cawthorn), Illustrated Weekly of India, in Sailing to Utopia 1993, The Distant Suns 2013
- “The Dying Castles” (w James Sallis and Samuel R. Delany), NW #200, Apr 1970, in Sojan 1977
- “Last Vigil” (orig. "Waiting for the End of Time..."), Vision Of Tomorrow #11, Aug 1970, in Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “The Nature of the Catastrophe”, NW #197, Jan 1970, in The Nature of the Catastrophe 1971, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “The Sunset Perspective”, The Disappearing Future, in The Nature Of The Catastrophe 1970, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “Sea Wolves“, Science Against Man (ed. Anthony Cheetham), in The Nature Of The Catastrophe 1970, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- The Chinese Agent, rew. of Somewhere in the Night 1966, in The Chinese Agent 2013
- The Singing Citadel, coll. of 1962-67 shorts,
- “The Singing Citadel”, “Master of Chaos”, “The Greater Conqueror”, “To Rescue Tanelorn…”
- The Eternal Champion, expanded from 1962 novella, in The Eternal Champion 2013
- Phoenix in Obsidian, (ret. The Silver Warriors in 1973), in The Eternal Champion 2013
- “Pride of Empire” (“Chronology”), Corridor, January/February 1971, extract from The Final Programme, in The Nature of the Catastrophe 1971
- A Cure for Cancer, NW 188-191, rev. in The Cornelius Chronicles 1977, The Cornelius Quartet 2014
- The Knight of the Swords, in Corum: The Prince in the Scarlet Robe 2013
- The Queen of the Swords, in Corum: The Prince in the Scarlet Robe 2013
- The King of the Swords, in Corum: The Prince in the Scarlet Robe 2013
- "The Sleeping Sorceress", Warlocks and Warriors (ed. Douglas Hill), expanded below to novel, reappears in Fantastic, Feb. 1972
- The Sleeping Sorceress, (ret. The Vanishing Tower DAW 1977), in Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- The Warlord of the Air, in The Nomad of Time 2013
- The Nature of the Catastrophe, Jerry Cornelius stories by Moorcock and others
- “The Nature of the Catastrophe”, “The Tank Trapeze”, “The Delhi Division”, “The Sunset Perspective”, “The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius; The English Assassin”. "Chronology” covers alternate possibilities in Jerry's life from 1900 to 1968 and was written by the Compilers (Moorcock and Jones?).
- The four shorts are in The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 1976
- “Voortrekker”, Frendz 3-5, Quark 4 (ed. Delany, Hacker), in The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 1976, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “(All the) Dead Singers”, Ink Oct 1971, in The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 1976, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “The Guardian”, NW #212
- An Alien Heat, in The Dancers at the End of Time 2013
- Breakfast in the Ruins, in Breakfast in the Ruins and Other Stories 2014
- Elric of Melniboné (ret. The Dreaming City by Lancer), in Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories 2013
- The English Assassin, rev. in The Cornelius Chronicles 1977, The Cornelius Quartet 2014
- “The Swastika Set-Up”, Corridor #4, Winter 1972, in The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 1976, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- The Silver Warriors, Phoenix in Obsidian 1970, in The Eternal Champion 2013
- Count Brass, in Hawkmoon: Count Brass 2013
- The Champion of Garathorm, in Hawkmoon: Count Brass 2013
- The Bull and the Spear, in The Chronicles of Corum 1978, Corum: The Prince with the Silver Hand 2013
- The Oak and the Ram, in The Chronicles of Corum 1978, Corum: The Prince with the Silver Hand 2013
- Elric: The Return to Melniboné, (framing text for P. Druillet art)
- “The Jade Man's Eyes”, in To Rescue Tanelorn 2008, also rev. into The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 1976
- “An Apocalypse: Some Scenes from European Life”, Bad Moon Rising (ed. Disch) (excerpt of Breakfast In The Ruins)
- “Environment Problem”, Space #1 (ed. Davis), in Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “The Longford Cup”, Penthouse, in The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 1976, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “A Dead Singer”, Factions (ed. Gordon & Hamilton), in Moorcock’s Book of Martyrs 1976, The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- “Pale Roses”, NW 7 (#208, ed. Platt & Bailey), in Legends from the End of Time 1976, Tales from the End of Time 2014
- “The Entropy Circuit, An Index of Possibilities”, in The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 1976, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- The Hollow Lands, in The Dancers at the End of Time 2013
- The Land Leviathan, in The Nomad of Time 2013
- “The Stone Thing: A Tale of Strange Parts”, Triode, October, in Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- The Sword and the Stallion, in The Chronicles of Corum 1978, Corum: The Prince with the Silver Hand 2013
- “White Stars”, NW 8 (#209), in Legends from the End of Time 1976, Tales from the End of Time 2014
- “Ancient Shadows”, NW 9 (#210), in Legends from the End of Time 1976, Tales from the End of Time 2014
- “My Life, an Unfinished Memoir” (extract), You Always Remember The First Time (ed. Johnson)
- The Quest for Tanelorn, in Hawkmoon: Count Brass 2013
- “Constant Fire”, NW 10 (ed Bailey), expanded to The Transformation Of Miss Mavis Ming 1977
- The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius, The Nature of the Catastrophe 1971 and other shorts 1968-74, in Cornelius Chronicles Vol. II, 1986
- “The Peking Junction”, “The Delhi Division”, “The Tank Trapeze”, “The Nature of the Catastrophe”, “The Swastika Set-up”, “The Sunset Perspective”, “The Longford Cup”, “The Entropy Circuit”, “Sea Wolves”, “Voortrekker”, and “Dead Singers” (“All the Dead Singers”).
- The Adventures of Una Persson and Catherine Cornelius in the Twentieth Century, in Cornelius Chronicles Vol. III 1986, A Cornelius Calendar 2014
- Legends from the End of Time (coll.), in Tales from the End of Time 1988, 2014
- “Pale Roses”, “White Stars”, “Ancient Shadows”,
- The End of All Songs, in The Dancers at the End of Time 2013
- “The Macabre in Heroic Fantasy: From "The Jewel in the Skull"”, Fantasy Crossroads #8, May 1976
- The Time of the Hawklords (with Michael Butterworth), Hawkwind record concept made into a book, MM outline & 1st page only
- The Sailor on the Seas of Fate, in Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 2013
- “Stormbringer: First Draft Screenplay” (Unused screenplay based on "The Eternal Champion" 1962 and The Warlord of the Air 1971), in Swords and Roses 2010
- Moorcock's Book Of Martyrs (coll. of shorts)
- “A Dead Singer”, “The Greater Conqueror”, “Behold the Man”, “Good-bye Miranda”, “Flux”, “Islands”, and “Last Vigil” (“Waiting for the End of Time”).
- The Weird of the White Wolf (DAW coll)
- “The Dream of Earl Aubec”(“Master of Chaos”), “The Dreaming City”, “While the Gods Laugh”, “The Singing Citadel“
- The Vanishing Tower (DAW ret. of The Sleeping Sorceress), in Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- The Bane of the Black Sword (DAW coll)
- “To Rescue Tanelorn...”, “The Stealer of Souls”, “Kings in Darkness”, “The Flame Bringers”
- Stormbringer, DAW coll of expanded/restored Stormbringer 1965
- Sojan, Coll. of early stories, essays
- “The Stone Thing”, “The Dying Castles”, “Sojan the Horseman”, “Sojan, Swordsman of Zylor”, “Sojan and the Sea of Demons”, “Sojan and the Plain of Mystery”, “Sojan and the Sons of the Snake God”, “Sojan and the Devil Hunters of Norj”, “Rens Karto of Bersnol”, “Klan the Spoiler”, and “Dek of Noothar”
- “In Lighter Vein: A Note on the Jerry Cornelius Tetralogy”, in Sojan 1977, Elric at the End of Time 1985
- The Condition of Muzak, (orig. The Coward), in The Cornelius Chronicles 1977, The Cornelius Quartet 2013
- The Cornelius Quartet/The Cornelius Chronicles, Avon rev. coll of The Final Programme, A Cure for Cancer, The English Assassin and The Condition of Muzak, with John Clute Introduction, in The Cornelius Quartet 2013
- “The Minstrel Girl”, A Book of Contemporary Nightmares (ed. Gordon, Joseph), in The Entropy Tango 1981
- “The Nemedians (Part 5 of 17)”, Fantasy Crossroads #12, part of round robin collaboration on REH fragment “Genseric's Fifth Born Son”
- The Swords Trilogy, coll. of The Knight of the Swords, The Queen of the Swords, The King of the Swords 1971, in Corum: The Prince in the Scarlet Robe 2013
- The Transformation of Miss Mavis Ming (Messiah at the End of Time, Return of the Fireclown), exp. from “Constant Fire” 1976, in Tales from the End of Time 1988, 2014
- Gloriana, or The Unfulfill'd Queen, in Gloriana, or The Unfulfill'd Queen 2013
- The Chronicles of Corum, coll. of The Bull And The Spear, The Oak And The Ram, The Sword And The Stallion 1973-74, in Corum: The Prince with the Silver Hand 2013
- “The Kassandra Peninsula”, Game #5.1, Jan 1978, in The Entropy Tango 1981
- “Epic Pooh” (essay condemning Tolkien and Lovecraft), British Fantasy Society 4
- “The Last Enchantment” (“Jesting with Chaos”), Ariel 3, orig. written 1962, in Elric: The Revenge of the Rose 2014
- “Crossing into Cambodia: A Story of the Third World War”, Twenty Houses Of The Zodiac (ed. Jakubowski), in My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories 2014
- “The Flight from Singapore”, NW #216
- The Golden Barge: A Fable (written 1958), The Golden Barge 2013
- The English Assassin: A Romance of Entropy, variant of The English Assassin 1972, in The Cornelius Quartet 2013
- “’Mad Bomber' Slain in Anaheim”, NW #216
- “Paperback Book Editor Murdered in Elevator”, NW #216
- “My Experiences in the Third World War”, in The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- “Going to Canada”, in My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories 2014
- “Leaving Pasadena”, in My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories 2014
- The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle, movie-tie-in, in Casablanca 1989, A Cornelius Calendar 2014
- The Russian Intelligence, complete rewrite of Printer's Devil 1966.
- Byzantium Endures
- “Elric at the End of Time”, in Elric at the End of Time 1985, Tales from the End of Time 1988, 2014
- The Entropy Tango, in The Cornelius Chronicles Vol. II, 1986, A Cornelius Calendar 2014
- “For One Day Only: Two Mighty Empires Clash”, “The Kassandra Peninsula”, “Revolutions”, “The Minstrel Girl”, “Harlequin’s Lament”
- The Steel Tsar, in The Nomad of Time 2013
- The War Hound and the World's Pain, in Von Bek 2013
- “The Murderer's Song”, in Casablanca 1989, Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- The Dancers At The End Of Time (UK only), coll. of An Alien Heat, The Hollow Lands, The End Of All Songs 1972-78, in The Dancers at the End of Time 2013
- The Brothel in Rosenstrasse, in The Brothel in Rosenstrasse and Other Stories 2014
- “The Alchemist's Question”, in The Cornelius Chronicles Vol. III 1986, A Cornelius Calendar 2014
- The Laughter of Carthage
- “The Opium General”, in The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- Elric at the End of Time (DAW Coll), incl. “Elric at the End of Time”, “The Last Enchantment”, in Tales from the End of Time 1988, 2014
- The City in the Autumn Stars, in Von Bek 2013
- The Dragon in the Sword, in The Eternal Champion 2013
- The Cornelius Chronicles Vol. II, coll. of The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius 1976 and The Entropy Tango 1981
- The Cornelius Chronicles, Vol. III, coll. of The Adventures of Una Persson and Catherine..1976 and “The Alchemist's Question” 1984
- “The Frozen Cardinal”, Other Edens (ed. Evans, Holdstock), in Casablanca 1989, My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories 2014
- “Hanging the Fool”/”Wheel of Fortune”, in Casablanca 1989, Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “The Last Call”, in Casablanca 1989, Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “Mars”, in Casablanca 1989, Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- Mother London
- Tales From the End of Time, Coll. of Legends From The End Of Time 1976 and Messiah At The End Of Time, in Tales from the End of Time 2014
- Casablanca (50th B-day collection of short fiction and non-fiction):
- Fiction: Casablanca (1989), The Frozen Cardinal (1987), Hanging the Fool (1987), The Murderer's Song (1981), Mars (1988), The Last Call (1987), Gold Diggers of 1977 (Ten Claims That Won Our Hearts) ret. of The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle 1980
- “Casablanca”, in Casablanca 1989, My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories 2014
- “Gold Diggers of 1977 (Ten Claims That Won Our Hearts)”, ret. of The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle 1980, in Casablanca 1989, A Cornelius Calendar 1993
- The Fortress of the Pearl, in Elric: The Fortress of the Pearl 2013
- “The Cairene Purse”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016, The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- “The Museum of the Future”, in Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “Colour”, New Worlds 1 (ed. Garnett), in The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- “Elric: A Dragon Wakes”, Interzone #46
- The Revenge of the Rose, in Elric: The Revenge of the Rose 2014
- “The Romanian Question”, in Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “Corsairs of the Second Ether #1-3”, in The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- Jerusalem Commands
- The Tale of the Eternal Champion (14 Volume Omnibus series, 1992-93, Orion/Millennium, UK) (see this page)
- “The Entropy Tango (Fragment)”, in Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “Earl Aubec”, in Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “Lunching With the Antichrist”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- “My Life”, in Earl Aubec and Other Stories 1999
- “The Adventures of Jerry Cornelius" (Parts 9, 10, 13, 14), w M. John Harrison, Mal Dean and Richard Glyn Jones
- “The Clapham Antichrist”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016
- “The Gangrene Collection”, in Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “A Winter Admiral”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016, The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- “Crimson Eyes”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “Free States”, NW 4 (#220, ed. Garnett)
- “The White Pirate”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “The White Wolf's Song”/”The Black Blade's Song”/”The Black Blade's Summoning”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- The Eternal Champion (15 Volume Omnibus series 1994-2000, White Wolf, US) (see this page)
- Blood: A Southern Fantasy, in The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “The Retirement of Jack Karaquazian”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “Some Fragments found in the Effects of Mr. Sam Oakenhurst”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “The Affair of the Seven Virgins”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “The Girl Who Killed Sylvia Blade”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “No Ordinary Christian: A Tale of the Far Magrib”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “The Enigma Windows/All the Way Round Again”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “The Birds of the Moon: A Travellers' Tale”, in Fabulous Harbours 1995, The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- Fabulous Harbours (coll. of shorts), in The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, I: The Adventure of the Texan's Honour by John M. Watson, M.D.” (“The Adventure Of The Dorset Street Lodger”), in Tales from the Texas Woods 1997
- “Sir Milk-and-Blood: An Incident in the Life of the Eternal Champion”, in Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- The War Amongst the Angels, in The War Amongst the Angels 2014
- “Duke Elric” (DC Comics script), in Duke Elric 2009
- “Doves in the Circle”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016, The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- “London Bone”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016, The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- “The Ghost Warriors”, in Tales from the Texas Woods 1997, The Metatemporal Detective 2007
- “Cheering for the Rockets”, in Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “London Twist”, The Edge 3.1
- “The Camus Connection”, in The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius: Stories of the Comic Apocalypse 2003
- “The Spencer Inheritance”, in Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “The Crack”, The Edge 3.2
- “The Sniff”, The Edge 3.2
- Michael Moorcock’s Multiverse (w Walter Simonson, Mark Reeve & John Ridgway), graphic novel, "Duke Elric" script in Duke Elric 2009
- “Furniture”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016
- King of the City
- “London Blood”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016
- “Ravenbrand” (extract from The Dreamthief's Daughter 2001), Interzone, #151
- Silverheart (with Storm Constantine), Derived from abandoned game synopsis
- “Through the Shaving Mirror”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016
- “A Slow Saturday Night at the Surrealist Sporting Club”, in The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- The Dreamthief's Daughter, in Elric: The Moonbeam Roads 2014
- “Firing the Cathedral”, in A Cornelius Calendar 2014
- “Lost Sorceress of the Silent Citadel”, Mars Probes (ed. Peter Crowther)
- “The Camus Referendum”, Leviathan 3, in Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “And So the Great Emperor Received His Education...”, Audiobook intro, in Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories 2013
- “Samoan Giant Rat Bite Fever”, The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases (ed. Vandermeer, Roberts)
- “The Case of the Nazi Canary”, in The Metatemporal Detective 2007
- “The Mystery of the Texas Twister”, in The Metatemporal Detective 2007
- The Skrayling Tree, in Elric: The Moonbeam Roads 2014
- “Elric: The Making of a Sorcerer” (DC Comics script), in Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories 2013
- “Alternate Chapter Thirty-Four” (rev. ending to Gloriana 1978)
- “Dogfight Donovan's Day Off”, Adventure (Ed. Roberson)
- The White Wolf's Son, in Elric: The Moonbeam Roads 2014
- “Cake”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016
- “Forebearing Planet”, Forbidden Planets (ed. Crowther)
- Introduction to the Audiorealms Version of The Sailor on the Seas of Fate, in Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 2008
- “The Roaming Forest: A Tale of the Red Archer”, in Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- “The Third Jungle Book: A Mowgli Story”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016
- The Vengeance of Rome
- “The Visible Men, or Down the Multiversal Rabbit Hole”, Nature, May 18, 2006, in The Best of Michael Moorcock 2009
- “London Flesh”, in The Metatemporal Detective 2007, London Bone and Other Stories 2016
- “London, My Life! or the Sedentary Jew”, Interzone #211
- “The Affair of the Bassin Les Hivers”, in The Metatemporal Detective 2007
- “The Flaneur des Arcades de l'Opera”, in Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories 2013
- The Metatemporal Detective, Col. of Sir Seaton Begg and Elric stories
- "The Affair of the Seven Virgins"
- "Crimson Eyes"
- "The Ghost Warriors"
- "The Girl Who Killed Sylvia Blade"
- "The Case of the Nazi Canary"
- "Sir Milk-and-Blood"
- "The Mystery of the Texas Twister"
- "London Flesh"
- "The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius"
- "The Affair of Le Bassin des Hivers"
- "The Flaneur des Arcades de l'Opera"
- “A Portrait in Ivory”, Logorrhea: Good Words Make Good Stories (ed. Klima), in Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate 2013
- “Black Petals”, Weird Tales 349, in Elric: Swords and Roses 2010
- “Ironface”, Fast Ships, Black Sails (ed. Vandermeer)
- “Modem Times”/“Modem Times 2.0”, in A Cornelius Calendar 2014
- “Sumptuous Dress: A Question of Size at the End of Time”, in Tales from the End of Time 2014
- Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone Vol. 1: The Stealer of Souls (2008)
- Foreword: Alan Moore “The Return Of The Thin White Duke”
- Introduction by MM
- “Putting A Tag On It” (1961 Essay on Fantasy Fiction, AMRA fanzine)
- “The Dreaming City” (1961, June)
- “While The Gods Laugh” (1961, Oct)
- “The Stealer of Souls” (1962, Feb)
- “Kings In Darkness” (w. James Cawthorn) (1962, Aug)
- “The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams” (“The Flame Bringers”) (1962, Oct)
- “Mission to Asno!” (1957, Sept, 2nd Sojan story, Tarzan Weekly)
- Stormbringer (1965)
- “Elric” (1963 letter to Niekas 8 fanzine before Stormbringer completed)
- “The Secret Life of Elric of Melnibone” (1964 essay for Camber)
- “Final Judgement” (Alan Forrest 1965 review of Stormbringer)
- The Zenith Letter (1924, Anthony Skene letter describing how he came up with Zenith the Albino)
- Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone Vol. 2: To Rescue Tanelorn (2008)
- Foreword: Walter Mosley, “My Eternal Champion”
- Introduction by MM
- “The Eternal Champion” (1962, June, features Erekose)
- “To Rescue Tanelorn…” (1962, Dec, features Rackhir)
- “The Last Enchantment” (“Jesting With Chaos”) (1962)
- “The Greater Conqueror” (1963, Apr, features Alexander the Great)
- “Master of Chaos” (1964, May, features Earl Aubec)
- “Phase 1” (1965, Jerry Cornelius chapter from The Final Programme, based on “The Dreaming City”)
- “The Singing Citadel” (1967)
- "The Jade Man's Eyes" (1973)
- “The Stone Thing” (1974, fanzine self-parody)
- “Elric at the End of Time” (1977)
- “The Black Blade's Song” (“The White Wolf's Song”) (1994, VA anthology)
- “Crimson Eyes” (1994, featuring Seaton Begg)
- “Sir-Milk-And-Blood” (1996, features Monsieur Zenith)
- “The Roaming Forest” (2006, features Rackhir)
- Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone Vol. 3: The Sleeping Sorceress (2008)
- Foreword: Holly Black
- Introduction by MM
- The Sleeping Sorceress (The Vanishing Tower) (1971)
- Intro to Audiobook of Elric of Melnibone (2003)
- Elric of Melnibone (1972)
- Aspects of Fantasy 1 (1961 essay)
- Intro to the Elric of Melnibone Comic Adaptation (Pacific Comics)
- "El Cid & Elric: Under the Influence" (essay for SA edition)
- Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone Vol. 4: Duke Elric (2009)
- Foreword: Michael Chabon
- Introduction by MM
- Intro to Audiobook of The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (2006)
- The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (1976)
- "Duke Elric" (1997, comic script extracted from Michael Moorcock's Multiverse 1999)
- Aspects of Fantasy 2 (1963 essay)
- “The Flaneur des Arcades de L'Opera” (2008, featuring Seaton Begg)
- "Elric: A Personality at War" (Adrian Snook essay)
- Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone Vol. 5: In the Dream Realms (2009)
- Foreword: Neil Gaiman
- Introduction by MM
- The Fortress of the Pearl (1989)
- "Elric: The Making of a Sorceror" (2004 comic script)
- “A Portrait in Ivory” (2007, for anthology)
- Aspects of Fantasy 3 (1964 essay)
- “Earl Aubec of Malador” (book outlines ca. 1966)
- Introduction to Taiwan Ed. Of Elric (2007)
- “One Life, Furnished in Early Moorcock” (1994, Neil Gaiman)
- The Best Of Michael Moorcock, coll.
- Introduction by John Davey
- A Portrait in Ivory
- The Visible Men
- A Dead Singer
- Lunching With the Antichrist
- The Opium General
- Behold the Man
- A Winter Admiral
- London Bone
- Colour
- My Experiences in the Third World War:
- Going to Canada
- Leaving Pasadena
- Crossing Into Cambodia
- Doves in the Circle
- The Deep Fix
- The Birds of the Moon
- The Cairene Purse
- A Slow Saturday Night at the Surrealist Sporting Club
- Afterword by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer
- Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone Vol. 6: Swords and Roses (2010)
- Foreword: Tad Williams
- Introduction by MM
- The Revenge of the Rose (1991)
- “Stormbringer: First Draft Screenplay” (Unused 1976 screenplay based on "The Eternal Champion" 1962 and The Warlord of the Air 1971)
- “Black Petals” (2008)
- Aspects of Fantasy 4 (1964 essay)
- Introduction to The Skrayling Tree (2003)
- Introduction to French Ed. of Elric (2006)
- "Elric: A New Reader's Guide" (John Davey, essay on editions guide)
- “Red Pearls”, Swords & Dark Magic: The New Sword and Sorcery (ed. Anders, Strahan)
- “Stories”, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016
- The Coming of the Terraphiles (feat. Doctor Who and Amy)
- “Shamalung (The Diminutions)”, The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities (ed. VanderMeer)
- The Sunday Books (w Mervyn Peake)
- “Walking the Hog”, in Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times 2014
- “A Twist in the Lines”, exhibition catalogue for Multiverse Expanded, in London Bone and Other Stories 2016
- “Curare”, Zenith Lives! (ed. Stuart Douglas)
- “The Lost Canal”, Old Mars (ed. GRR Martin, Dozois)
- “The Icon Crackdown” (French), Esprit de Corps (ed. Lofficier), Eng. Ver. in Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse 2017
- “The Nostalgia Differential”, Rayguns Over Texas (ed. Klaw)
- The Michael Moorcock Collection (36 Volume Omnibus Series, Gollancz, SF Gateway 2013-15) (see Appendix at bottom)
- “The Grenade Garden”, Fantasy for Good: A Charitable Anthology
- The Whispering Swarm
- Michael Moorcock's Legends of the Multiverse (ed. Lofficier), inc. English tr. of “The Icon Crackdown”, “The Affair of the Bassin des Hivers”
- “Pegging the President”, in Pegging the President 2018
- “Dancing in Rome” (French), in Kaboul et autres souvenirs… 2018
- “Kabul”, in Kaboul et autres souvenirs… 2018, Eng. Ver. in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September/October 2019
- “Odysseus Came Home” (French), in Kaboul et autres souvenirs… 2018
- Kaboul et autres souvenirs de la troisième guerre mondiale ("Kabul and Other Souvenirs From the 3rd World War")
- French transl. of “Dancing in Rome”, “Going to Canada”, “Leaving Pasadena”, “Crossing into Cambodia”, “Kabul”, “Odysseus Came Home”
The Michael Moorcock Collection (Gollancz, SF Gateway 2013-15)
- Corum: The Prince in the Scarlet Robe (2013)
- The Knight of Swords
- The Queen of Swords
- The King of Swords
- Daughter of Dreams (The Dreamthief’s Daughter) (2013)
- Destiny’s Brother (The Skrayling Tree) (2013)
- Son of the Wolf (The White Wolf’s Son) (2013)
- The Chinese Agent (eBook only) (2013)
- The Russian Intelligence (eBook only) (2013)
- Hawkmoon: The History of the Runestaff (2013)
- The Jewel in the Skull
- The Mad God's Amulet
- The Sword of the Dawn
- The Runestaff
- Gloriana; or, The Unfulfill’d Queen (2013)
- Gloriana; or, The Unfulfill’d Queen
- Afterword (Haunted Palaces And Poisoned Chalices - The World of Gloriana)
- Alternate Ch. 34
- Lyrics Lor A Proposed Musicae Version Of Georiana (Michael Moorcock and Peter Pavli)
- Gloriana Review “Kaleidoscope” 2 May 1978, w Peter Ackroyd
- Corum: The Prince with the Silver Hand (2013)
- The Bull and the Spear
- The Oak and the Ram
- The Sword and the Stallion
- The Distant Suns (eBook only) (2013)
- The Golden Barge (eBook only) (2013)
- Sojan the Swordsman (eBook only) (2013)
- Author's Note (Taken from Paizo edition)
- Introduction (Taken from Paizo edition)
- Sojan the Swordsman (Expanded in this edition)
- Notes by Michael Moorcock (New to this edition)
- Klan the Spoiler
- Dek of Noothar - The Sword of Life
- Dek of Noothar - The Strange Ones (Previously called: The Sword of Life Part II - The Strange Ones)
- Dek of Noothar - The Siege of Noothar
- Rens Karto of Bersnol
- Hawkmoon: Count Brass (2013)
- Count Brass
- The Champion of Garathorm
- The Quest for Tanelorn
- Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories (2013)
- The Return of the Thin White Duke (Alan Moore intro to Elric: The Stealer of Souls)
- Putting a Tag on It (1961)
- Master of Chaos (The Dream of Earl Aubec) (1964)
- Elric: The Making of a Sorcerer (2007)
- And So the Great Emperor Received His Education ... (2003)
- Elric of Melniboné (1972)
- Aspects of Fantasy: 1. Introduction (1963)
- Introduction (to Elric of Melniboné, Graphic Adaptation, 1986)
- El Cid and Elric: Under the Influence! (2007)
- The Dancers at the End of Time (2013)
- Prologue (The Dancers at the End of Time) (1983 essay)
- An Alien Heat
- The Hollow Lands
- The End of All Songs
- Elric: The Fortress of the Pearl (2013)
- Foreword (2009, Neil Gaiman from Elric In the Dream Realms)
- The Fortress of the Pearl (1989)
- Aspects of Fantasy: 2. The Floodgates of the Unconscious (1963)
- Introduction to the Taiwan Edition of Elric (2007)
- One Life, Furnished in Early Moorcock (1994) (Neil Gaiman)
- The Cornelius Quartet (2013)
- The Repossession of Jerry Cornelius (1977) essay by John Clute
- The Final Programme (1968)
- A Cure for Cancer (1971)
- The English Assassin: A Romance of Entropy (1979) (variant of The English Assassin 1972)
- The Condition of Muzak (1977)
- Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (2013)
- Foreword (Elric: Duke Elric), Michael Chabon
- Introduction to the AudioRealms version of The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (2006)
- The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (1976)
- The Dreaming City (1961)
- A Portrait in Ivory (2007)
- While the Gods Laugh (1961)
- The Singing Citadel (1967)
- Aspects of Fantasy: 3. Figures of Faust (1964)
- Elric: A Personality at War (2009) essay by Adrian Snook
- Von Bek (2013)
- Foreword
- The War Hound and the World's Pain: A Fable (1981)
- The City in the Autumn Stars (1986)
- Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress and Other Stories (2013)
- My Eternal Champion (2008) Elric: To Rescue Tanelorn essay by Walter Mosley
- The Eternal Champion, novella (1962)
- The Greater Conqueror (1963)
- Earl Aubec of Malador (2009), 4 novel outline
- The Sleeping Sorceress (1971)
- The Stone Thing: A Tale of Strange Parts (1974)
- Sir Milk-and-Blood (1996)
- The Roaming Forest: A Tale of the Red Archer (2006)
- The Flaneur des Arcades de l'Opera (2007)
- Aspects of Fantasy: 4. Conclusion (1964)
- The Eternal Champion (2013)
- The Eternal Champion: A Fantastic Romance (1970, adapted from 1962 novella)
- Phoenix in Obsidian (1970)
- The Dragon in the Sword (1986)
- Elric: The Revenge of the Rose (2014)
- Foreword (Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress, 2008, Holly Black)
- The Revenge of the Rose (1991)
- “The Stealer of Souls” (1962)
- “Kings in Darkness” (1962) (James Cawthorn and Michael Moorcock)
- “The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams” (1962) (“The Flame Bringers”)
- “The Last Enchantment” (“Jesting with Chaos”) (1978)
- “To Rescue Tanelorn ...” (1962)
- Introduction to the French Omnibus Edition of Elric (2006)
- Moorcock's Multiverse (2014)
- The Sundered Worlds (1965)
- The Winds of Limbo (1969) (variant of The Fireclown 1965)
- The Shores of Death (1966) (variant of The Twilight Man)
- Elric: Stormbringer! (2014)
- Foreword (Elric: Swords and Roses, 2010, Tad Williams)
- Stormbringer! (1965)
- Elric (1964) essay by Michael Moorcock
- The Secret Life of Elric of Melniboné (1964) essay by Michael Moorcock
- Final Judgement (1965) essay by Alan Forrest
- Stormbringer (1965) review by Alan Forrest
- The Zenith Letter (2001) by Anthony Skene
- Elric: A New Reader's Guide (2010) essay by John Davey
- The Nomad of Time (2014)
- The Warlord of the Air (1971)
- The Land Leviathan (1974)
- The Steel Tsar (1981)
- Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His Times (2014)
- The Peking Junction (1969)
- The Delhi Division (1968)
- The Tank Trapeze (1969)
- The Nature of the Catastrophe (1970)
- The Swastika Set-Up (1972)
- The Sunset Perspective: A Moral Tale (1970)
- Sea Wolves (1970)
- Voortrekker: A Tale of Empire (1971)
- Dead Singers (1971)
- The Longford Cup (1973)
- The Entropy Circuit (1974)
- The Entropy Tango (Fragment) (1993)
- The Murderer's Song (1981) (variant of The Firmament Theorem by Aldiss)
- The Gangrene Collection (1993)
- The Romanian Question (1991)
- The Spencer Inheritance (1998)
- The Camus Referendum (2002)
- Cheering for the Rockets (1998)
- The Visible Men, or Down the Multiversal Rabbit Hole (2006)
- Walking the Hog (2011)
- The Dodgem Decision (1969/1987)
- Behold the Man (2014)
- Introduction (2014) essay by John Clute
- Behold the Man (1969)
- Travelling to Utopia (2014)
- The Wrecks of Time (1967)
- The Ice Schooner (1969)
- The Black Corridor (1969) (Hilary Bailey and Michael Moorcock)
- The War Amongst the Angels (2014)
- Blood (1995)
- Fabulous Harbours (1995)
- The War Amongst the Angels (1996)
- Crimson Eyes (1994)
- The Birds of the Moon (1995)
- Introduction (Fabulous Harbours) (1995) essay
- Lunching With the Antichrist (1993)
- No Ordinary Christian (1995)
- Some Fragments found in the Effects of Mr. Sam Oakenhurst (1995)
- The Affair of the Seven Virgins (1995)
- The Black Blade's Summoning (The White Wolf's Song, 1994/1995)
- The Enigma Windows (1995)
- The Girl Who Killed Sylvia Blade (1995)
- The Retirement of Jack Karaquazian (1995)
- The White Pirate (1994)
- Tales from the End of Time (2014)
- Legends from the End of Time
- Pale Roses
- White Stars
- Ancient Shadows
- Constant Fire – Rev. ver. of The Transformation of Miss Mavis Ming/A Messiah at the End of Time
- Elric at the End of Time (novella)
- 'Sumptuous Dress: A Question Of Size At The End Of Time'
- Introduction to Legends From The End Of Time (White Wolf 1999)
- Elric: The Moonbeam Roads (2014), compilation of previous single volume releases
- Daughter of Dreams (The Dreamthief’s Daughter)
- Destiny’s Brother (The Skrayling Tree)
- Son of the Wolf (The White Wolf’s Son)
- My Experiences in the Third World War and Other Stories: The Best Short Fiction of Michael Moorcock Volume 1 (2014)
- 'Casablanca'
- 'Going to Canada'
- 'Leaving Pasadena'
- 'Crossing into Cambodia'
- 'The Mountain'
- 'The Deep Fix'
- 'The Frozen Cardinal'
- 'Wolf'
- 'The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius'
- 'The Real Life Mr Newman'
- 'The Cairene Purse'
- The Brothel in Rosenstrasse and Other Stories: The Best Short Fiction of Michael Moorcock Volume 2 (2014)
- The Brothel in Rosenstrasse
- 'The Opium General'
- 'London Bone'
- 'A Winter Admiral'
- 'Doves in the Circle'
- 'A Slow Saturday Night at the Surrealist Sporting Club'
- A Cornelius Calendar (2014)
- The Adventures of Una Persson and Catherine Cornelius in the Twentieth Century
- The Entropy Tango
- The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle
- 'The Alchemist’s Question'
- Firing the Cathedral
- Modem Times 2.0
- Breakfast in the Ruins and Other Stories: The Best Short Fiction of Michael Moorcock Volume 3 (2014)
- Breakfast in the Ruins
- 'The Time Dweller'
- 'Escape from Evening'
- 'A Dead Singer'
- 'London Flesh'
- 'Behold the Man' (novella)
- Kane of Old Mars (2015)
- Introduction (1998)
- City of the Beast (1965)
- Lord of the Spiders (1965)
- Masters of the Pit (1965)